Brain teaser games are games that challenge your mental abilities such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, spatial reasoning, memory, and creativity. These games can be entertaining and can also help to exercise your brain and improve cognitive functions. Here are some examples of brain teaser games:

Sudoku – a number-based puzzle game that requires logical reasoning and deduction skills.

Crosswords – a word-based puzzle game that requires knowledge of vocabulary and lateral thinking skills.

Chess – a strategic board game that requires planning, prediction, and logical reasoning skills.

Rubik’s Cube – a puzzle game that requires spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Jigsaw puzzles – a puzzle game that requires spatial reasoning and visual perception skills.

Word search – a word-based puzzle game that requires attention to detail and pattern recognition skills.

Memory games – games that test and improve your memory skills.

Simon Says – a game that challenges your ability to follow instructions and pay attention to details.

Concentration – a game that challenges your ability to remember and recall information.

Trivia games – games that test your knowledge of various subjects and improve your ability to learn and retain new information.

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Boost Your Brain: Switch on your Brain with over 300 Puzzles, Tips, and Teasers

Original price was: ৳ 1,400.Current price is: ৳ 1,190.